Why me!!!
Troubles!! Difficulties!! Loss!!
Why do they exist??
Why me every time?? Why am I into difficulties all the time? Why
does Allah put me in so many problems?
We often ask this question from ourselves and see people around us
in search of answers for such questions. One thing which we should keep in mind
is that nothing is purposeless. Good or bad, difficult or easy, pleasing or
Now, difficulties, troubles and loss that we go through can be a
blessing for us or they can be a cause of our destruction. That depends on our
attitude towards it. When we are on a wrong path and we make mistakes,
Allah(s.w.t) puts us in some trouble. When we don't learn from one and go on
committing mistakes then Allah puts us in hardships over and over again. Hardships
and difficulties are must because when we get into some trouble only then we
are more likely to assess ourselves. When a person gets a thorn pricked into
his foot he will try to find out that where did he get it from? Was that a path
he was walking on thorny or it's that he was carelessly walking. Similarly,
when a man falls down, he will at least once look back to see that what made
him fall down??
“Mischief has appeared on land and sea because of (the meed) that
the hands of men have earned, that ((Allah)) may give them a taste of some of
their deeds: in order that they may turn back (from Evil).” (41:30)
If we will not have hardships, we will not try to find out
the problem or mistake that we must be committing and we will complain to
Allah(s.w.t) on the day of judgment that He didn't warn us. Allah knows how
good man is in giving excuses and reasons. I wonder how well Shakespeare has
described man, the quintessence of dust:
What a piece of work is a man !
How noble in reason! how infinite in
in form and moving, how express and
admirable !
In action, how like and angel!
In apprehension how like a god !
the beauty of the world ! the paragon of
animal !
So, difficulties are actually the wake up calls for those who do
wrong. They are a favor from Allah(s.w.t). We should be patient in such times.
They are temporary. Hard times are a test actually. They make us stronger. We
should pray to Allah to keep us from trails and hardships of the hereafter
because they are ever existing and painful, beyond our imagination!!
Difficulties are the sign boards of right path. True.