Drops in the Ocean...

Sometimes we think of doing something good. But then, on second thoughts decide, what difference will it make in this huge world. This world needs bigger solutions. We need to do something of greater impact. And then wish to have more power so that we can make a difference, do our part to make this world a better place to live. Then focus shifts to ‘how can I acquire that power?’

“This passion I have to serve humanity is so much. I want to do something GREAT in life”

Have you ever been through this?

This obsession with ‘greatness’ leads us to overlook our domain of power. In pursuit of possibilities to do greater things we miss on the circle (even if small) of impact we already have. We forget that small can be big. And for sure, small leads to big.

Start small, don’t overlook the importance of small deeds because they have a greater impact. That might include removing a stone from a passage, offering help to a blind, feeding a homeless, texting a friend you haven’t talked to in a while, forgiving someone, not being rude to someone who’s rude to you, an effort you are making to develop a good habit and the list goes on. You never know what difference they might be making in someone’s life. Never underestimate the importance of the good you do. May be what you are doing is merely a drop in the ocean, but the ocean might be yearning for that missing drop. For every drop makes it what it is. These drops make it complete.

I always see this world like an ocean, patience as a boat and deeds as drops. As long as our drops are good and clean ones, their size doesn’t matter.

"Verily, the good deeds remove the evil deeds (i.e small sins). That is a reminder for the mindful" [Qur'an: Surah Hud, V 114]


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